Searching for Magic

I know no spells, nor Words magic in their own right (or rite) . . . but I found the wizardry I for which I searched.

I’ve never had the drive to search out the Divine. I’m not sure whether that’s a genetic thing or an Episcopalian one – but I always assumed that God was an old white guy with a beard who was going to make sure that things went okay for me, or that there was no God, or [...]

The Ghosts of Marion

Medium B

“Just because we invented Gods, who’s to say that doesn’t make them real? We invented poetry and steam engines too.” Over time you come to know a town’s ghosts. If Ann Arbor has any they’re soft and near-invisible things – unable to wrap their ectoplasmic tendrils round anything solid. Forever shredded by the jaded eyes [...]

On Deciding to be a Hero

Some guy doing a really convincing impersonation of something evil. via

“I’m only good because I want to be.” Those were the words spoken by the half-demon little sister of the X-men’s Colossus, Illyana Rasputin, as she lamented the fact that her diabolic nature urged her to evil. Her brother only laughed and replied that that just made her exactly like everyone else. This weekend marked [...]