Cocktails of Ice and Water

My intractable nostalgia has recently put me on a Dashell Hammett kick. Finished "The Maltese Falcon," and moving on to "The Thin Man."

Animals – by Frank O’Hara Have you forgotten what we were like then when we were still first rate and the day came fat with an apple in its mouth it’s no use worrying about Time but we did have a few tricks up our sleeves and turned some sharp corners the whole pasture looked [...]

The Joy of Whimsy

Quidam - Father

My friend Genevieve recently asked me what brings me joy – as distinct from pleasure. I was startled at how hard that question was to answer. Try asking it of yourself. Tough, right? Or at least it’s harder than it ought to be. I feel like the answer should roll right off your tongue – [...]

Making Steampunk Cool(er) Part Two – What’s in a Name?

Jeter's 1979 novel (here with a contemporary cover) was a science-fiction/fantasy tale set in 19th century England threatened by the eponymous creatures from The Time Machine. It was in describing it, along with the work of his colleagues Blaylock and Peters, that Jeter invented the term "Steampunk[s]."

Names are powerful things. They provide foundations for castles and the bedrocks of empires. But that strength is seductive, and inevitably comes at a cost. At some point, instead of being empowering they become constricting – instead of describing reality they create it . . . and instead of liberation they offer enslavement. I was [...]

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